Emerson co-curator Mimi Cook wants to see you there! |
Join us for an evening at the Brookline Booksmith in Coolidge Corner at 7pm for our third reading of 2014, featuring superlative poetry and prose, brought to you by some of Boston's finest MFA candidates!
Where to Find Us
On March 21st: The Brookline Booksmith
More specifically: 7pm, Coolidge Corner, 279 Harvard Street, Brookline
24/7: Facebook.com/BreakwaterReadingSeries
See you there! In the meantime, here's a sneak-peak at this month's readers.
Eloisa Amezcua is an Arizona-native, currently completing her MFA thesis—a collection of poems—at Emerson College. She is the recipient of the 2012 University of San Diego creative writing award selected by Ilya Kaminsky, and her work can be found a few places here and there.
Drew Arnold has nearly earned his MFA in Fiction from UMass-Boston. He looks forward to the end of winter when he will put basil in a pot on his porch and watch it die. Drew edits the e-journal of serialized fiction, Novella-T, and he encourages writers and readers alike to check it out at novella-t.com.
Catherine Flora Con likes em dashes, colons, and candied yams. She does not prefer cats. She recently received her MFA from BU, where she teaches advanced fiction, coordinates the creative writing program, and eats avocados with a plastic spoon she found in Leslie Epstein’s desk.
Leanne Hoppe is a 2013-2014 MFA candidate in poetry at Boston University and an editorial assistant at AGNI.

Eric Marshall is a fiction writer currently enrolled in Emerson College's MFA Fiction program. Eric has been published by The Bridge and Temper, and also teaches freshman composition courses as part of Emerson College's First-Year Writing Program. In his spare time, Eric plays the drums and makes dad-jokes on Twitter.
A student of America’s shorthand history, Derek JG Williams grew up studying comic books and the backs of baseball cards. He puts words into rows both long and short. His poems and prose are published or forthcoming in Best New Poets 2013, The Cortland Review, H_NGM_N, CutBank Literary Magazine, Bellingham Review, RHINO, Main Street Rag, and Knockout Literary Journal, among others.
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The Breakwater Reading Series features Boston's student writers performing the best in poetry, fiction, and nonfiction from the programs at Boston University, Emerson College, and the University of Massachusetts-Boston. Six fresh voices read in each installment of this popular series, presented by the Graduate Writing Department at UMass-Boston. Readings are held at the Brookline Booksmith at 7pm on the third Friday of every month between September and June. The event is always free and open to the public.